Good afternoon Eternia! Sun is shining and it's looking like we have plowed through another week, kicking ass and taking names. Eternian's here in GP and afar have all been putting up some great numbers this week. I've been pondering what to write about this week. After a chat I gave this week to a group of Eternians and some things I have seen, I feel inclined to talk about giving it everything you have and passing that along.
Here at Eternia we foster a pretty awesome environment. One that I have been told by many that come from out of town is something they haven't seen anywhere, or only in some of my opinion awesome spots. We take that as a pretty bad ass compliment. As an Eternian you should feel pretty dam proud of that, because you help build that. Your duty is to keep doing that.
We ask a lot of each and every person that trains with us. We know that is a lot. We ask you to do that because we want you to get the most out of what we are offering. We aren't in this to get rich, all the money we make goes back into making Eternia even better. We do this shit because we LOVE IT!
As an Eternian, rule numero' uno. DON'T HALF ASS ANYTHING. If you want to come in and just go through the motions, honestly this may not be the place for you. We expect the best you have every day. If you are worn down or not 100% that day, and lets say you are 80%. Give every bit of that 80% you have. I promise you that you won't regret it.
Next I want to touch on a few things that don't have to do with your training but the others around you. Your duty is to help your training partners to get stronger than you. If you see somebody slacking off or sandbagging some shit, let them know what's up. You know it, you see it. Don't worry we will be doing the same thing as your coaches as well. Having training partners that push you ads to the environment and fosters some awesome results. You see somebody just "going through the motions" let them know. Hey what's that, way to easy lets go, get with it. They will thank you for it. Along these same lines, if you get somebody new in there and you see something way crazy, help them. Examples come to mind. Hey man that might be to big a jump. How about 10lbs not 30. Or hey, that % looks a bit high lets take some off and move that shit quick(speed day). That's what we do in Eternia. Take them under your wing and pass on what we have taught you. Don't worry we will be there as well.
I will end on this. Our environment is one you will not find in many places and we are dam proud of that. You guys helped build that, now keep it going. From that "great" Travis Osborne, "Never half ass anything, always use your FULL ASS"!